The Friends of Pike Lake, Inc. has been awarded several grants over recent years that ave made our important projects possible. The grants awarded include the following:
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources-Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program Grant:
Each year, $500,000 from the Stewardship program is set aside for grants to Friends groups throughout Wisconsin to improve park facilities, build new recreation projects and restore habitat on state properties. In 2018, Friends of Pike Lake, Inc. was awarded a $ 20,000 grant under this program for construction of our amphitheater.
Wisconsin DNR- Parks and Recreation Management Enhancement Grant Projects:
In recent years, the Friends of Pike Lake, Inc. have been awarded matching grants for enhancing the park’s facilities. For 2024, Friends of Pike Lake, Inc. was awarded $2,500 matching grant for the purchase of universal picnic tables which are accessible for people in wheelchairs which will be installed in 2024.
Hartford Area Foundation Grant:
The Hartford Area Foundation uses the earnings from its endowed funds to support projects that enhance the greater Hartford community in the geographical area of the Hartford Union High School District. In 2024, Friends of Pike Lake, Inc. was awarded a $5,000 grant for its kayak launch project planned to be installed the spring of 2024.
Friends of Wisconsin State Parks-Incentive Grant
Each year the Friends of Wisconsin State Parks award matching grants to its state- wide Friends organizations for projects located in Wisconsin state park system and campgrounds. In 2024 the Friends of Pike Lake, Inc. received a $2,342 matching grant to support its educational and entertainment programs plus purchase of five new mounted grills.
The Board of Directors of the Friends of Pike Lake, Inc. greatly appreciate the support of its past and future projects at Kettle Moraine State Forest- Pike Lake Unit.