
The Friends of Pike Lake, Inc. is a tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  As such, contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.  For one time or recurring credit or debit card donations, please click the link above.  To give by check, please mail your check made out to Friends of Pike Lake, Inc., 3544 Kettle Moraine Road, Hartford, WI 53027.   You can donate to the general projects fund or specify that your funds go toward a specific FOPL goal. Thank you!

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Julie Peltier Memorial Scholarship

The Friends of Pike Lake group, in coordination with UW Stevens Point Scholarship Program awards the Julie Peltier Memorial Scholarship scholarship annually to a student currently enrolled as a major in Forestry at UW Stevens Point.

Julie Peltier was a longtime field forester for the Wisconsin DNR, stationed at the Kettle Moraine State Forest - Pike Lake Unite in Hartford, Wisconsin. Her passion for the outdoors and her love of working with people earned her the respect of many friends, peers and volunteers in her profession. She was persistently dedicated to the advancement and protection of our forests and was the first forester in Wisconsin to identify the emerald ash borer!


We welcome you to support and grow this grant program by selecting this scholarship program for your donation.

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Click "Give Direct" button below to donate by credit or debit card.

The Friends of Pike Lake, Inc. is a tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Rvenue Code.  As such, contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.  For one time or recurring credit or debit card donations, please click the link above.  To give by check, please mail your check made out to Friends of Pike Lake, Inc., 3544 Kettle Moraine Road, Hartford, WI 53027.   You can donate to the general projects fund or specify that your funds go toward a specific FOPL goal. Thank you!