Welcome To

Friends of Pike Lake

Hartford, WI

Recent News...


Thanks to all who braved a little seasonal snowfall and made our 36th annual Candlelight Hike a glowing success!

From the hundreds of hikers, to the dozens of volunteers, the Pike Lake Sportsmen's Club and of course the dedicated DNR staff, our event brought people together in the spirit of outdoor winter fun!

Special Thanks to Festival Foods, Piggly Wiggly and Walmart for generous donations!

First Day Hike 2025

2025 Pike Lake First Day Hike

Thank you to the Ice Age Trail Alliance Wash/Oz Chapter and Friends of Pike Lake members for all of your help in putting on the First Day Hike. From advertising on social media to boots leading on the ground.  We wouldn’t be able to provide this fine event if it wasn’t for your helping hands (and feet). The event continues to grow each year and property staff estimated around 300 people. Chatting by the bonfire after the event, sharing memories and upcoming adventures is always a highlight of the day. We hope to see you at the next First Day Hike in 2026!!

Accessible Kayak Launch in the works!

Kayak Launch
Future kayak launch example

The Friends of Pike Lake (FOPL) is proud to announce the purchase of a handicap accessible Mod-U-Dock Kayak Launch system, to be installed in the spring of 2025.

This will not only make kayaking more accessible to all kayakers of varying strength and abilities but will also reduce the danger to kayakers currently using the power boat launch area.  This project is in response to the growing popularity of paddle sports, especially kayaking, at Pike Lake. Upgrading the launch has been a common request from users, and the FOPL are excited to help!

The total cost of this project will be in excess of $20,000 and was made possible by not only by FOPL, but also the generous support of the Hartford Area Foundation, Neil Park Foundation and anonymous donors.

Keep watch as this project progresses!

Accessible Picnic Tables

The Friends of Pike Lake (FOPL) have heeded the call for volunteers by helping to assemble and stain Pike Lake's new accessible picnic tables.

In spring 2024, Pike Lake staff responded to a partnered project proposal from the WI-DNR which looks for matching funds.  The FOPL donated $2,500 to match $2,500 from the WI-DNR.  As a result, 13 new universal picnic table frames were delivered to the property.

Thank you to all who helped contribute to this improvement project!

Parking Lot Painting at Beach/Amphitheater Lot - COMPLETED!

The main day use parking lot at Pike Lake received newly painted lines in early June 2024. For several years, the parking lot lines were very faded which resulted in a loss of parking spaces and unusable gaps between cars. FOPL members saw the need and addressed the issue.

The newly painted parking lines and more visible safety crosswalks has increased safety, and allowed property staff the ability to count actual spaces and allow more people access on busy days.

Thanks to all who worked to see this project through and allow more people to enjoy this beautiful property!

Mission Statement

The Friends of Pike Lake, Inc. was organized for charitable and educational purposes of promoting and supporting recreational and educational activities at Kettle Moraine State Forest-Pike Lake Unit in coordination with the staff of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. In furtherance of this mission the Friends of Pike Lake, Inc. provides financial support of the Park’s interpretive, educational and historical programs and also its facilities maintenance and improvements.