
Endowment Creation

In June of 2010, The Friends of Pike Lake, Inc. (FOPL) created an agency endowment fund to provide permanent financial support for its programs and projects at Kettle Moraine State Forest - Pike Lake Unit (Park). The endowment fund is administered by the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin and earnings from its assets are available to support our programs and projects at the Park.  Endowment Document pdf.

If you would like to make a cash contribution to the FOPL endowment fund just issue a check made payable to:

Friends of Pike Lake-Endowment Fund".

Mail or drop off your check to the Park’s address:

3544 Kettle Moraine Road Hartford WI 53027

Subsequently, we will mail you a letter of receipt to acknowledge your tax-deductible contribution.

If you'd like to make a non-cash contribution to our agency endowment fund, please contact the Director of Philanthropy of the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin at 608-409-3112 for further information.

Our Commitment to the Future

The Friends of Pike Lake have entered into a long-term project to provide for the future of this beautiful facility. On June 8th, 2010,  the Friends of Pike Lake signed documents to create an endowment to provide permanent financial support for activities supporting programs at the Pike Lake Unit of the Southern Kettle-Moraine State Forest.  The endowment will be administered through the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin.  The Friends group will make annual payments into the endowment through its ongoing fund-raising activities.  In addition, the group welcomes tax-deductible contributions from individuals and foundations.
Pete Hoffman, Friends of Pike Lake, Inc, President, and Charles Luthin, Executive Director of the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin, signing the contract documents to create the Friends of Pike Lake Endowment, June 8, 2010, at the Pike Lake DNR office.
Pete Hoffman, Friends of Pike Lake, Inc, President, and Charles Luthin, Executive Director of the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin, signing the contract documents to create the Friends of Pike Lake Endowment, June 8, 2010, at the Pike Lake DNR office.

Other Options to Contribute to Friends of Pike Lake